Sunday, January 10, 2010

It apparently has been a year since i have used this thing

But.. i feel it was a great tool in order to actually document things.. and keep accountable.. so i return to the blog..

So as of September 2009 i had got as close to my goal of 180 as i have ever been in my life... I was at 200. I was proud of my body finally and was not fitting into my normal clothes anymore... but that was sept. 2009. In october of 2009 i started working again. a stable 8-5pm in a office that supplies snaks, sodas, and once a month a heap of unhealthy heaven, company lunch.. as well as bagel wednesdays...

Since my start date i have also gained 35 of said lost weight back.. My lunch choices were out of control due to one time and two location. then in the month of december the overtime decided to be overwhelming.. So little to no gym time for that whole month.

As you may or may not know i dont believe in new years resolutions.. so its not like iam jumping on some bandwagon.. its just that i have to start making the right choices again for me..

so instead of 3 days of working out.. i will now be doing 6.. to compensate for the larger/more frequent eating..

Mondays- Wii Monday.. An hour of Biggest Loser Weight Loss. I have done one night of this already and it does make you sweat and feel the burn..

Tuesday-Thursday - an hour of Dance Class... and no more skipping wednesday just cause i dont like the gym... i will just have to face the music.. also thinking of doing and additional 30 mins or running on treadmill..

Friday- is date night so its an off day... however.. most of my date nights result in dancing at a club for 3-4 hours.. always a way to burn the calories.. :)

Saturday - I have began and enjoyed running the LA river Basin from Mar Vista to Marina Del Rey. We did 3 miles total on Sat. 9th. We want to eventually get to the beach and back..

Sunday- Hiking. I really miss hiking. i felt like it was a total package and i miss doing it with the gang...So i have begun today to hike again. Since the weather has been so nice and the rain has disappeared for now. We took it slow today just so i can introduce the trail to Lili ( my excersize mate). but we did do an hour of hiking today.

Meals for the day of Jan. 10 2010.

- 1/3 of a burrito. Steak, beans, cheese, and rice.
- 1 cup of Oj.

- 4 cups of water.
- 2 drum sticks, boiled chicken
- large serving of steamed veggies.
- Avocado salsa.

- Bowl of cereal (raisin brand) w/ 1% milk.
- One banana

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